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Sore Feet After Work? Stay Comfy & Cute All Day Long with These 9 Steps

Feb 22, 2022

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), American workers spend nearly 61 percent of the workday standing or walking. As you might imagine, that number is even higher for certain professions. Servers, electricians, retail salespeople and pharmacists are some of the pros most likely to spend the day on their feet. After a long day of standing and walking, it’s normal for the feet to be a bit cranky. 

Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to relieve the pain, from switching into some cute, comfortable flats and out of your clunky work shoes — yes, please! — to indulging in a delightful foot massage to ease the tension. Here are some of our best tips for post-work foot relief.

smiling waitresses

  • Buy the Right Shoes — Purchasing the right footwear is perhaps the most simple and effective measure you can take towards quelling your foot pain. Whether you’re running, walking, sitting or standing, your feet will be better in the long run if you invest in their well-being right from the start. If you work in a rugged environment, opt for comfortable closed-toe shoes with plenty of arch support to keep the feet safe and protected. If you work outside, make sure to explore our selection of comfy boots for women that combine style with sensibility so you bring home less foot pain.

Shop Our Cute, Comfortable Flats

  • Do the Right Stretches — A flexible muscle is a healthy muscle. The muscles in your feet are no exception. There are plenty of easy stretches you can do that will soothe the soles. Try some simple yoga poses that directly target the feet. Making these stretches a part of your everyday routine will be a huge difference-maker in preventing sore feet after work.
  • Take a Long Soak in the Tub — Sometimes, all you need is a good soak in a hot bath. Foot baths can help ease pain from any sprains and bruises and can also soothe gout pain and general discomfort. There’s also the added benefit of removing dead skin which can cause cracks and blisters. You’re going to need pretty feet when you rock those fashionable sandals for bunions!
  • Get a Foot Massage What better way to put a stop to your nagging foot pain than a massage? You can make an appointment with a professional or enlist a willing participant at home. There are also special foot massaging machines that’ll give your soles and ankles a thorough rubdown.
  • Wear Compression Socks  Who knew a pair of socks could help keep the tootsie pain at bay? These socks increase circulation to your feet which helps to reduce swelling and discomfort. You may want to consider wearing compression socks while you work, as these will keep the blood flowing nicely so your feet don’t get as sore or swollen during the day.
  • Do Foot Strengthening Exercises Much like any muscle group, building strength in your feet can keep you moving longer and further while reducing strains and sprains. When you’re doing your daily workout, make sure you’re strengthening the muscles in the feet, ankles and calves.

Explore Comfortable Closed Toe Shoes

  • Take a Load Off  As with any part of your body, you need to take the time to relax. Worn-out feet are not going to get better by continuing to pound the pavement. Your sore feet after work will thank you. Plus, who doesn’t like lounging around after walking around all day?
  • See a Podiatrist — If you’ve tried everything and still have sore feet after work, check in with a podiatrist and see if they can recommend a bunion-friendly shoe or if they have a more serious treatment plan. 
  • Invest in Custom Orthotics — Make the shoe fit you. Toss out those factory-made insoles and make your foot feel like it is in its own personal cloud. No two feet are the same, so going the custom route can ensure that your soles get support that fits like a glove.

woman fitting orthopedic insoles


There’s good and bad to being on your feet all day. Sure, you probably come home with a few aches and pains. But on the upside, standing burns more calories, reduces weight gain and can even help ward off diabetes and cancer. Just make sure to take care of your tootsies after long periods of standing so you don’t offset the good with pain and discomfort!
